Monday, February 28, 2011

Project: LGN - February Results

So I've been doing pretty good this month.  Not the best, kinda sporadic, but still something.  This is a lesson I've recently learned:  something is better than nothing when it comes to exercise.  If I can just get to the gym for 30 minutes it's better than nothing at all.  I understand that this is an obvious statement to most people, but I am one of those all or nothing types.  I get a plan and if I stray from it, I scrap the whole thing.  It's a character flaw, I understand that.  But I am doing better.  If I can't be at the gym for a solid hour, that's ok.  At least I'm there for some time.  And if I miss a day or two, I just go back instead of giving up.  This is a big deal for me.  The same can be applied to my diet.  You know how when you eat something you probably shouldn't, then all of a sudden you can eat whatever for the rest of the day cause you've already messed up and the day is a waste.  Apparently that's not true.  If I lose the battle with my will power at lunch, I can actually still eat a healthy low-cal dinner and keep myself on track.....who knew.  Anyway, all that to say....February went well for my goals. 

Long-term Goal: 38 pounds by December 31
Short-term Goal: 10 pounds by May 1
Total weight loss to date: 4.4 pounds

Now I know this is only 1 pound a week, but I've also learned something else.  If I want to lose 2 pounds a week, I have to alter my food intake drastically.  Something I cannot sustain for the long-term.  What I am doing now I can do forever.  I don't want to diet, I want good eating habits I can continue.  And it's been my experience that slow weight loss stays off longer on me.  Mainly because it wasn't a drastic overhaul of eating and exercising habits that couldn't be continued once my goals were hit.  And obviously the weight comes right back in about a quarter of the time it took to get off.  Change for good, Change for good, Change for good.  And STAY skinny.

And speaking's time to eat breakfast.

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