Do you remember flylady???
Well I do, she's made a permanent mark on my life. There are things she told me to do that have never left me....not that I do them. But that woman really knows how to keep her house clean. Me, not so much. One of the things she tried to teach me was routine. The best one was with the dishwasher. Always run it during the night and always empty it in the morning. That way, no one in your house ever has an excuse to leave a dish on the counter or in the sink. Keeping your kitchen uncluttered with dirty dishes. Sounds easy right? I think I did it for 4 days, maybe 5.
Well it's time to give that another try. It's a great idea, and my kitchen needs help. I just need to make it routine....habit. I've heard it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so here goes, I pledge to run my dishwasher every night and empty it every morning for the next 21 days starting right now. Let's see if it turns into habit. I don't mind being the guinea pig in an experiment if I'm ultimately benefiting from it.
Wish me luck!
I have been doing this one for a while and it really makes a huge difference in my entire house!! Somehow I think dirty dishes or a clean sink set the tone for your kitchen/house. I end up doing a load of dishes almost every day!! It is really hard to get them unloaded in the morning b/c we are so rushed to get out the door. I usually manage to get them put up while cooking dinner so I can just load the dishes from dinner when I am done. Since we aren't there much during the day I don't have to worry about too much piling up in the mean time. I must have made it to the 21 day mark b/c I don't have to think about it too much. And bonus.... with all the clean dishes and clean sink (and organized cabinets and spices) I seem to be motivated to cook/bake more.. which I love :). I guess that isn't so great for Project LGN. So I guess I will have to work on finding healthy baking options, if that is possible.